What we do

Pioneering Excellence in Digital Medicine
The Wellster Healthtech Group is distinguished by its professional expertise. Wellster's medical advisory board, composed of specialists from clinical and university institutions, ensures that all treatment processes, recommendations, and doctor-patient interactions adhere to medical guidelines. While the board’s members are not engaged in patient interactions, the advisory board actively participates in product development and formulates new medical guidelines for digital treatment environments. This board often initiates pioneering studies in digital medicine that shape the industry.
Telemedicine as an important part of the
healthcare system
Telemedicine can relieve the burden on the healthcare system by targeting certain patient groups and transferring patients to the healthcare system at an early stage. Studies show that shame can delay in-person doctor visits for years, especially for individuals dealing with obesity or urological conditions. This obstacle to access is something telemedicine can effectively address.
Ultimately, telemedicine (both synchronous and asynchronous) also enables patient flows to be channeled, increasing efficiency for the entire system. Therefore, it helps to reduce bottlenecks in medical care. As a telemedicine provider, we do not want to replace the system in any way, but rather supplement it for the benefit of all patients.